20 Premium Pages

Rapidly increase your sales on the Internet thanks to our consulting and natural referencing services.

Le prix initial était : 2 000,00€.Le prix actuel est : 1 850,00€.

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Marketing Unit sans fond@3x

Utiliser vos informations marketing tels que vos benchmark concurrentiel, ou vos études sur les buyers personas, rendra redoutable vos stratégies web…

Social Media

social force sans fond

Automatiser des flux sur les réseaux sociaux des personas permet de mieux distribuer vos contenus et de mettre en place un objectif commercial de social selling.


The final objective is a choice: we provide you with complete SEO copywriting guides, or we deliver integrated, meshed and illustrated texts.

This price list is in standard format. For specific quality, implementation or support requirements, please contact us.

 Analysis of search intentions using reverse engineering of Google serps

Each theme is made up of thousands of key words and expressions that can be grouped into several types of search intent: informational, commercial and transactional. Identifying all the search intents will enable you to determine the market potential, the pages to include and the articles to create.

Our challenge is to help you increase your traffic by a factor of 10.

  • What are the subjects/themes most sought after by « my target audience »?
  • What new articles could bring us the most traffic?
  • And which of our existing items could be improved quickly?

Solution to the problem of analysing large volumes of marketing data

  • thousands of keywords to process on marketing platforms
  • hundreds of search questions with no volume
  • several analytical applications (traffic sources, trends, etc.)

 One seo page per search intention

  • 10 URLs in the top 10
  • Headings and sub-headings: to structure the content and what information needs to be highlighted.
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Keywords that complete the semantics
  • Co-occurrences: co-occurrence is the simultaneous presence of two terms in a document. Identify common co-occurrences in these pages to understand the associated subjects that could be important for your content.
  • Named entities: these are objects or concepts that can be clearly identified by a name. This can include people, organisations, places, events, consumer goods, etc.

Content delivered and integrated as standard

Thanks to a range of tools and a dedicated team, we can deliver integrated pages at no extra cost.


Black Hat

commando seo + fond

Faire une copie de votre site de marque pour le faire prendre des positions extrêmements concurrentielles en un temps record, c’est possible avec une stratégie SEO agressive !

80 NDD Expires - Offres Netlinking Personas - Marketing Airforce (11)

L’objectif du scraping est d’identifier des noms de domaine expirés sur des sites positionnés dans le top 100 de google sur une thématique donnée : ex. “carrelage” et un pays ex. google.fr.