Bristol Brigand Surf – Communication strategy audit

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A digital communications audit is a systematic examination of the strategies, tactics, tools, content and performance of all a company’s digital communications activities. The process is outlined below:

  1. Definition of Objectives :
    • Clarify commercial and digital communication objectives.
    • Determine what the audit should achieve, such as increasing engagement, improving the conversion rate or boosting brand awareness.
  2. Inventory and Analysis of Digital Assets :
    • Take stock of all digital assets, including websites, blogs, mobile applications, social media accounts and email newsletters.
    • Assess the current state of these assets in terms of design, content, accessibility and user experience.
  3. Analysis of Online Presence :
    • Examine the brand’s online presence to assess the consistency and effectiveness of the message across different digital channels.
    • Check SEO and search engine optimisation to ensure that content is easily discoverable online.
  4. Evaluation of Tools and Platforms :
    • Identify and evaluate the tools and platforms used for digital communication and marketing, such as content management systems, analysis tools, social media platforms and marketing automation software.
  5. Performance Analysis :
    • Collect and analyse performance data from various analysis tools to understand user behaviour and campaign effectiveness.
    • Evaluate key metrics such as website traffic, social network engagement rates, click-through rates (CTR) for advertising and email campaigns.
  6. Competitive analysis :
    • Carry out a competitive analysis to understand industry standards and identify best practice.
    • Assess how the company’s digital communications compare with those of its competitors.
  7. Social Listening and Public Sentiment :
    • Use social listening tools to gather information about what customers are saying about the brand online.
    • Analyse public sentiment and feedback to identify opportunities for improvement.
  8. Audit Report and Recommendations :
    • Compile the results into an audit report that highlights the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) in the current digital communications strategy.
    • Providing strategic and tactical recommendations to improve the company’s digital presence.
  9. Action plan :
    • Draw up a prioritised action plan based on the audit recommendations.
    • Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) objectives for implementing the recommendations.
  10. Implementation and monitoring :
    • Implement recommended changes and monitor progress against established KPIs.
    • Adjust the strategy based on results and feedback for continuous improvement.

A digital communications audit should be carried out regularly to ensure that the company’s digital communications strategy remains effective and aligned with its business objectives and market trends.


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