Mirage 2000.D Surf – SEO & SEA over 6 months

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Turnkey delivery of 10 persona sites/month

Netlinking on newly delivered sites

Minimum 3-month commitment

1 495,00

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Automatiser des flux sur les réseaux sociaux des personas permet de mieux distribuer vos contenus et de mettre en place un objectif commercial de social selling.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising) campaigns are crucial components in improving the online visibility of a small surf school or camp with a turnover of €30-90K that wants to double its sales. Here are the expected benefits and a suggested methodology for a 6-month campaign over one season:

Benefits of an SEO & SEA Campaign :

  1. Increased visibility: A good SEO strategy will increase the school’s presence in organic search results, while SEA will place ads at the top of results pages, generating immediate visibility.
  2. Targeted traffic: By optimising for specific keywords, the school will attract visitors who are actively looking for surfing services, which generally leads to a higher conversion rate.
  3. Improved conversion rate: By improving the site’s structure and creating relevant content, users are more likely to stay on the site and register or buy.
  4. Profitability: SEO is a long-term strategy that can generate free, ongoing traffic, while SEA allows precise control of the budget and analysis of the profitability of ads.
  5. Brand reputation: A good SEO ranking helps to establish credibility, and SEA ads reinforce brand recognition.
  6. Valuable market intelligence: Analysis tools can provide data on customer preferences and market trends, helping to refine marketing strategies.

Methodology for a 6-month campaign :

Months 1 and 2: Planning and Implementation

  1. Audit SEO Initial :
    • Carry out an SEO audit to identify technical problems, content opportunities and keyword gaps.
  2. Site structure and technical optimisation :
    • Correct problems with the structure of the website, such as navigation, loading speed, mobile-friendliness and URLs.
  3. Search Keyword :
    • Search for relevant keywords with a good search volume and reasonable competition for the surfing sector.
  4. Planning the Editorial Line :
    • Create an editorial line based on targeted keywords and subjects of interest to your audience.
  5. Configuring SEA Campaigns :
    • Configuring Google Ads campaigns, including selecting keywords, writing ads and defining bids and budget.

Months 2 to 6: Execution and optimisation

  1. Content creation :
    • Regularly develop and publish SEO-optimised content that attracts and engages users.
  2. On-Page Optimisation :
    • Optimising on-page elements such as titles, meta-descriptions and header tags for existing and new web pages.
  3. SEA monitoring and adjustments :
    • Monitor the performance of SEA ads and adjust bids, keywords and ad copy to improve ROI.
  4. Acquisition of Links :
    • Start link-building campaigns to improve domain authority.

Months 5-6: Assessment and adjustment

  1. Performance Analysis :
    • Utiliser Google Analytics et d’autres outils pour surveiller le trafic, le classement des mots-clés, le comportement des utilisateurs et les conversions.
  2. SEO adjustments :
    • Make adjustments based on data, such as refining content and improving technical aspects for better SEO performance.
  3. Continuous SEA optimization :
    • Continuously review and optimize Google Ads campaigns to ensure effective advertising spend.
  4. Reports and Recommendations for the Future :
    • Produce detailed reports


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