Rafale F3-R Surf – Campaign Top 1 Google & SEA

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Turnkey delivery of 10 sites/month

Feeding of the 10 sites with one article per week

Netlinking on newly delivered sites

Minimum 3-month commitment

1 995,00

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Utiliser vos informations marketing tels que vos benchmark concurrentiel, ou vos études sur les buyers personas, rendra redoutable vos stratégies web…

Social Media

social force sans fond

Automatiser des flux sur les réseaux sociaux des personas permet de mieux distribuer vos contenus et de mettre en place un objectif commercial de social selling.


For a surf school or surf camp with annual sales of between €60 and €180K, developing an SEO & SEA campaign integrating ad management on Google as well as Facebook and Instagram over a 6-month period will boost your sales.

Benefits of an SEO & SEA Campaign

  1. Visibility and Traffic Accrus :
    • SEO: Improved ranking in organic search results, generating more qualified traffic.
    • SEA: Instant visibility via paid ads, enabling you to quickly reach a large audience.
  2. Precise targeting :
    • Use of demographic and behavioral data for precisely targeted advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook and Instagram.
  3. Multiplatform engagement :
    • Engaging potential customers across multiple platforms, aligning messages and offers for a consistent user experience.
  4. Conversion improvement :
    • Optimized website and quality content to convert visitors into paying customers.
  5. Data Analysis and Insights :
    • Gather valuable information on user preferences and behavior, enabling strategic adjustments.
  6. Measurable Return on Investment :
    • Ability to track campaign performance and adjust ad spend to maximize ROI.

Methodology for a 6-month campaign

Months 1-2: Preparation and Launch

  1. Technical Audit and Optimization :
    • Correct technical problems to ensure that the site is indexable and performs well (loading speed, mobile-friendly, etc.).
  2. Content strategy :
    • Develop an editorial line based on relevant keywords and topics of interest to target customers.
  3. Launching SEA Campaigns :
    • Set up and launch Google Ads campaigns with carefully selected keywords and compelling ads.
    • Start advertising on Facebook and Instagram, using targeting to reach specific market segments.

Month 3-4: Content Development and Campaign Optimization

  1. Content creation and publication :
    • Regularly publish quality content that attracts and engages users, focusing on targeted keywords.
  2. Campaign optimization :
    • Use analytics to refine ATS campaigns on Google, Facebook and Instagram, improving targeting and messaging.
  3. Link Building :
    • Begin link building efforts to increase site authority and improve SEO rankings.

Months 5-6: Analysis, Adjustment and Future Planning

  1. Performance analysis :
    • Track KPIs such as organic traffic, click-through rate, cost per acquisition, and conversion rate.
  2. SEO and SEA adjustments :
    • Make data-driven adjustments to optimize content and campaigns.
  3. Long-term planning :
    • Develop long-term strategies based on the results obtained to further develop online visibility and ROI.

Each step must be accompanied by rigorous data analysis to ensure that the campaign remains on track to achieve its objectives. Ongoing adjustments are necessary to respond to changing market conditions and campaign performance.

Black Hat

commando seo + fond

Faire une copie de votre site de marque pour le faire prendre des positions extrêmements concurrentielles en un temps record, c’est possible avec une stratégie SEO agressive !

80 NDD Expires - Offres Netlinking Personas - Marketing Airforce (11)

L’objectif du scraping est d’identifier des noms de domaine expirés sur des sites positionnés dans le top 100 de google sur une thématique donnée : ex. “carrelage” et un pays ex. google.fr.