Bomber B52 Surf – Audit Surf or Kitesurf School and Camp: Process & Communication

Take top positions and dominate the Google SERPs with high-quality pages that respond effectively to search intent.

The result of an innovative process of reverse engineering of Google serps based on analysis of the top 100 sites in the SERPs but validated by the top 10.

As a result, you’ll benefit from high-quality texts based on search intentions and the vast sets of keywords that make them up.

3 350,00

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Marketing Unit sans fond@3x

Utiliser vos informations marketing tels que vos benchmark concurrentiel, ou vos études sur les buyers personas, rendra redoutable vos stratégies web…

Social Media

social force sans fond

Automatiser des flux sur les réseaux sociaux des personas permet de mieux distribuer vos contenus et de mettre en place un objectif commercial de social selling.


Identify your strengths and weaknesses, then copy your competitors’ strategies to create your own!

Go from €100K to €200K in just one year! Get help from real experts.

In addition to a complete audit of your quality process: from courses to visual marketing, including commercial offers and catering.

You’ll benefit from an action plan to double your sales over the coming year.

Objectives and methodology

In order to double your turnover, we’re going to set objectives and the means to achieve them. This will start with an audit of processes and communication, to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of current practices and identify areas for improvement.

Here are the typical stages of such an audit:

  1. Data Collection :
    • Bring together all current marketing communications, including online campaigns, advertising, social media and promotional materials.
    • Review internal work processes, including internal and external communication procedures, project management and workflows.
  2. Process Analysis :
    • Analyse methods of communicating with potential customers, including contact forms, e-mails and automated responses.
    • Evaluate the organisational structure and distribution of communication and marketing roles.
    • Identify bottlenecks, redundancies and inefficiencies in work processes.
  3. Evaluation of the Communication Strategy :
    • Determine the alignment of communication messages with the company’s values and objectives.
    • Measure the impact and effectiveness of ongoing advertising campaigns.
    • Examine the consistency and quality of the content disseminated.
  4. Feedback from stakeholders:
    • Gather feedback from employees, customers and partners to understand their perspectives and experiences.
    • Conducting interviews and surveys where necessary.
  5. Report and Recommendations :
    • Compile the data into a detailed report presenting the audit findings.
    • Make strategic recommendations to optimise processes and communications.
    • Present an action plan for implementing the suggested improvements.
  6. Implementation planning :
    • Develop a timetable for introducing the recommended changes.
    • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the success of new strategies and processes.
  7. Monitoring and evaluation :
    • Set up a monitoring system to assess the effectiveness of the changes made.
    • Plan follow-up audits to ensure that improvements are maintained and continue to benefit the company.

A full audit should be carried out with a view to understanding not only internal processes but also your experience and satisfaction. This will enable us to ensure that marketing efforts are effective and well aligned with your surf or kitesurf business objectives.

Black Hat

commando seo + fond

Faire une copie de votre site de marque pour le faire prendre des positions extrêmements concurrentielles en un temps record, c’est possible avec une stratégie SEO agressive !

80 NDD Expires - Offres Netlinking Personas - Marketing Airforce (11)

L’objectif du scraping est d’identifier des noms de domaine expirés sur des sites positionnés dans le top 100 de google sur une thématique donnée : ex. “carrelage” et un pays ex.